Ordered a $150 Mailbox…

I know, you are probably thinking, what is he up to now… of course you would get a mailbox online! And why would he want to spend $150 to get yet another email account! Well, I definitely don’t need another online mailbox, but I did order a new postal mail box!

Sunday afternoon as we were heading out to run our family errands, we noticed one of our neighbors installing a new mailbox by his house. We stopped, briefly, to ask what he was doing. Turns out mail theft has become a huge problem in our neighborhood, causing identity theft problems and a lot of banking headaches with stolen checks. Our mailman recommended to him that he get a locking mailbox.

Already having dealt with identity fraud first-hand, this was something I wasn’t going to put on the back burner until I was personally taken advantage of. So, while strolling the isles at Home Depot, I whipped out my Q (insert wild west “do-e do-e doo wah wah wah” soundbite here) and went online to get a locking mailbox. I had never ordered something online through PocketIE, and since I had some time to kill while my wife was looking through the tile and wood flooring section, I gave it a shot.

Despite some annoying scrolling back and forth to see everything and find the “Next” and “Check out now” buttons, it went very well. I blew $150 plus shipping on a mailbox, wirelessly, through my phone. I realize I wasn’t the first to do this, and quite honestly I’m surprised it has taken me so long to order something online through my phone! It was very easy, I had no issues with the SSL pages, and the email confirmations were received, so I know I didn’t mess anything up!

Any day now I’m expecting my shiny new overpriced mailbox to show up so I too, can protect my Verizon Wireless bill from being stolen (wait, what the hell was I thinking… take it thieves!)

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