
Your search for classic returned 2 results.

Geek Out: Cathode Terminal Mac App

I'm probably dating myself a bit here, but if you're a fan of old computers and the terminal apps that ran on them, you should definitely check out this new Mac App which emulates them. It's unbelievably cool. Gizmodo has a video you can watch to see it, or you can download the App from the developer's website and play with a free trial version. [Secret ...

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Play nostalgic Nintendo games… online now!

Remember all those really cool Nintendo classic games like Donkey Kong Jr, Super Mario Bros., and Galaga?  Well I do, and those are three of my favorites. Nintendo8.com now has all of these games online, right now.  They are all Flash based.  Up until now you had to download an emulator to play on your Mac, PC, PDA, phone, or other device.  Finally, someone ...

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