Fully Converged Version 2.0

I don’t really know what version this is, but 2.0 sounds good enough. I just switched over from Blogger to WordPress on my own server to have more control over my blog. I’m so glad that I did… WordPress is pretty damn cool!  Their blog import tool imported all of my Blogger posts and comments in just a few seconds.  That saved me a ton of time.

With this change I’ll be posting more articles and product reviews which is something I never got around to doing as often as I wanted to with the old Blogger blog.

If you had subscribed to my RSS feed at my old blog, please be sure to subscribe to the new feed here!

Along with the server and software change comes a new site design (I hope you like it) and a much-needed update to the About page (I even through my mug shot up there so you can put a face to the blog). Click the link to the About page or click my mug to find out more about me and why I made this blog.

Thank you for reading!

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