
Your search for christmas returned 3 results.

I (cough) Christmas

Well, it's here again... in full swing. I get it every year, somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas, usually closer to Christmas. This year no exception. It's like clockwork, too... major head cold. First few days starts out with the scratchy throat, then it moves to severe congestion for a day, then straight to a massive sore throat for 3-4 days, ...

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Mac vs. PC vs. Santa?

Apple's home page today features a different kind of Mac vs. PC commercial... featuring ol' St. Nick in classic stop animation like the old classic Christmas shows we've come to know and love from Rankin-Bass. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJVIiZ4qlXg] To view the high resolution version, visit the Apple Get a Mac page.

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Extreme holiday lighting

It's that time of year again, and Mel and I will be spending the next two weekends putting up lights outside our house. If you haven't visited my GriswoldHome.com website in a while, it's worth checking out. Traffic to it is dead during 10 months of the year. Magically, during November and December, traffic flourishes! One thing that always gets me in the ...

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