
Your search for tips returned 7 results.

Driving Tips

Using these simple techniques developed by professional drivers, it is surprisingly easy to become a far more alert, attentive and effective driver.

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Tips For Extending Your Vehicle’s Battery Life

When the things we take completely for granted fail, it can catch us by surprise in the worst way possible. One of those items is your vehicle’s battery. If it fails, no matter how much gas is in your tank, you likely are not going to make it very far. Fortunately, there are a number of measures you can take to make sure it keeps the power flowing. From basic ...

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Advice For Modifying Your Car Yourself

Deciding that it's time to modify your car is a big step. For some, it takes years before additions are made. For others, the purchase of aftermarket products begins before the car even leaves the dealership lot. It all is a matter of what you are looking to get out of your ownership experience and where you see a potential project heading. However, one of the ...

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Tips from a YouTube Exec on Successfully Building an Online Audience

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How to Make a Desktop Shortcut in Mac OS X

Since I switched over from Windows to Mac OS X, one of the more puzzling things was how to add desktop shortcuts.  This was real easy in Windows' Internet Explorer.  Just right-click your desktop and select "Create Shortcut".  On a Mac (FireFox, Chrome or Safari) this is not an option. I finally found the answer, and like most things on the Mac, it's easier ...

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Tip: Get to those Apple iPhone punctuations faster!

I first read about this tip from waitingforiphone.com which leads you a page at O'Reilly's website. Here's the skinny. The keyboard layout on the iPhone is great for the most part, unless you want to get to the numbers and punctuation marks via the ".?123" key in the lower left-hand corner. Normally this would take 3 taps to get to a period. Here's how to do it ...

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iPhone’s iPod cover flow missing art (and how to fix it)

Earlier I said that I would start blogging about problems (and solutions) I found with the iPhone, or really cool things I found. My first blog is about a problem and a solution. One of the absolute coolest things about the iPhone that it has "the best iPod ever" integrated right into it. Man, Jobs wasn't kidding! It's incredible. The cover flow feature is ...

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