12 mints leaves (the ultimate mojito recipe)

With my sister & family in town for the past week (they left on Wed) I gave another attempt at making mojitos which have been my favorite drink for the past year or so (sorry Jack & Coke!) Last time we tried, it just didn’t work out and we moved on to lemon drops or something. I gave it another shot and nailed it! Here’s the deal…

I found some great mojito recipes online but what really did the trick was this Bacardi Mojito video. I love Christian Delpech’s “mints leaves” reference:


Tom Cruise has nothing on this guy. And for added excitement:


The only change I made was I muddled the bejeebers out of the lime & sugar first, then added the “12 mints leaves” and did only some light muddling so as to not destroy the leaves like I did the first one I made (sorry Hank!) The usual mojito recipe calls for 1-1/2oz of rum but that’s pretty pathetic so my recipe calls for 3oz.

After I perfected my recipe, we drank them like water. They’re so tasty and refreshing. If you haven’t tried one, you must. If you don’t like rum like my wife, try a virgin mojito instead. I also recommend using simple sugar (not granular sugar) otherwise you’ll spend a lot of time trying to dissolve sugar in cold liquids which isn’t easy… and use party ice instead of the huge chunky wedge ice like we have in our fridge.

Drink up! For more fun visit the BacardiMojito.com website.

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