Feb 2, 2007
Google Maps Now Available For Windows Mobile (Motorola Q, Palm Treo 700w, etc.)
Google Maps is now available for the Windows Mobile platform. I just installed it on my Motorola Q and it is incredible!
Just point your mobile browser to http://www.google.com/gmm/winm and it will download a .cab file. Install it and go! It’s awesome… and includes satellite imagery, street maps, zoom in/out features (hit I to zoom In, O to zoom Out), search and direction features. It’s super fast too!
This is a must-have app, and it’s free thanks to Google. Go check it out! Here’s a screen shot I just made on my phone after searching for “space needle” and nothing else specific. It came right up, and all I had to do was to zoom in a few times.
Feb 12, 2007 (1:58 pm)
Excellent. Thanks for the tip, it worked great. The mobile.google.com site works like shit for the Q. I missed the maps, glad to have it working again.
Chris D.
Feb 13, 2007 (1:21 pm)
Ronald, you might want to unstall that and get WLS… it’s a better app: http://www.fullyconverged.com/2007/02/live-search-for-windows-mobile.html
I’m going to be playing with the GPS turn-by-turn nav soon and will post my thoughts.