
Your search for firefox returned 5 results.

FireFox 3.5 Annoyance: Closing Last Tab Does Not Close Window

I don't know about you, but I live in my web browser, day-in and day-out.  My browser of choice is FireFox.  They recently released an update from 3.0 to 3.5 and it's great, except for one thing... and it's bloody annoying. Previously when you opened a new window, opened a few tabs and surfed around, then eventually closed all its tabs, it also closed the main ...

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Improve YouTube video quality in FireFox

While watching movies on the iPhone version of YouTube I always noticed videos looked better. I just thought it might be the smaller screen. With this new Add-on for FireFox, I think it confirms that there are different quality versions of videos at YouTube. In fact, according to Josh, this Add-on streams from video.l.google.com instead of youtube.com. This makes ...

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PicLens: The most awesome FireFox add-on EVER

If you have FireFox, oh boy do I have an add-on for you. Thanks to Tek for this tip... it's such a great find I had to break my blogging drought and say something about it. It's called PicLens and what it does it turns your desktop into a full 3D browser for the images on the page or in the gallery you are viewing, such as Flickr, Google images, Smugmug, ...

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How to Make a Desktop Shortcut in Mac OS X

Since I switched over from Windows to Mac OS X, one of the more puzzling things was how to add desktop shortcuts.  This was real easy in Windows' Internet Explorer.  Just right-click your desktop and select "Create Shortcut".  On a Mac (FireFox, Chrome or Safari) this is not an option. I finally found the answer, and like most things on the Mac, it's easier ...

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5 Browsers, 1 OS

This is one of the reasons I've switched from Windows to Mac: As a web developer, it's essential to be able to test a fresh page in as many browsers and environments as possible. (more…)

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